Webex Teams Not Active

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The Status column tells you if there are users in your organization that are inactive or that haven't been verified. Use this information to decide what action to take on a specific user account, such as resending the verification email or removing a user from your organization.

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Service licenses are assigned to users, regardless of their status. For example, an inactive user still uses a license. You can remove licenses from a user if they don't need the services anymore.

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User statuses can be the following:

  • Active—The user verified their email address and has signed in at least once.

  • Verified—The user's email address is verified, but they haven't signed in. Their status changes to Active when they sign in.

  • Not Verified—The user hasn't verified their email address. Screen capture mac os 10 6. You can resend another verification email to the user.

  • Inactive—The user has been deactivated and can no longer access Webex services.

    Users are automatically deleted if they have been in Inactive state (deactivated) for 30 days.

    The exception to this is users who are synchronized into Webex from Active Directory:

    • When users are deleted from AD and then you synchronize with Webex, the users become Inactive, but are only held in Inactive state for 7 days before being deleted from Webex.

    • When user accounts are disabled in AD and then you synchronize with Webex, the users become Inactive and are held in Inactive state indefinitely.

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Webex Teams Not Showing Active

Actions Column Details

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You can make changes to a user's status in the Actions column.

If you use Cisco Directory Connector for user synchronization, you can't perform the following actions in Control Hub. You must manage user accounts from Active Directory and then resync the changes to Control Hub.

Depending on the status, the actions that you can take are:

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  • Resend Invitation—Resends the verification email to users.

  • Reactivate User—Reactivates users to their previous status.

  • Deactivate User—Deactivates users and changes their status to Inactive.

  • Delete User—Deletes users from your organization.

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