FEATURES Payroll software.
- 11 Fire Presets - Candle, wide small flame, full frame slow motion, omnidirectional, campfire, campfire in wind, torch, fireball, flame thrower, bonfire, large explosion fire
- 5 Smoke Presets - Wispy, medium, large, black, atmospheric
- 2 Sparks Presets
- Heat Haze Effect - Add controlled heat distortion to your footage. Customize the speed, direction, detail level, position, and movement of the heat haze. Control the amount of blurring and warping separately. Feather the intensity of the blurring and warp at the edges.
- Demo Video Included - The entire comp for the above demo video is included, with no pre-rendered elements - so everything can be customized. Customize the title animations with your own text, or dissect the example effects with footage to see how elements were composited.
- Easy Customization - Convenient slider controls for customizing the look and behavior of all effects
- Easily add slow motion, and maintain smooth playback
- Add direction, or 'wind', to your fire
- Keying Effects included, so you can get a clean composite over your footage.
- HD video tutorial (below)
Free Fire Effect After Effects
Download All 751 “fire” video templates compatible with Adobe After Effects unlimited times with a single Envato Elements subscription. Oct 27, 2019 With the Fire Base 1 comp selected go to Effect Blur & Sharpen Gaussian Blur. In the Gaussian Blur settings change the Blurriness to 150. Go to Effect Color Correction Levels. In the Levels settings change the Channel drop down to Alpha and then bring in the Input Black and Whites so that it crushes the values and gets rid of the blur.
Adobe After Effects Fire Effect
- Use this premium quality After Effects fire particles presets to create stunning VFX scenes. These fire particular effects are part of a user-friendly After Effects plugin called Particle Builder — and Particle Builder itself is part of a free-to-download powerful toolkit called Motion Factory.
- After Effects Tutorial – Plugin-Free Fire / Flame Effect When we think about fire or flame effects, most of us probably head straight for royalty-free footage or a particle system like Trapcode’s hugely successful Particular plug-in, and while there’s nothing wrong with that, you might be surprised to find out that you can get a pretty.