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Description | Example | Return message | Group

Define and modify Interval List components and templates.


TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {'Interval List' | 'Interval ListTemplate'} <ComponentName> [{IntervalListType} <TypeParams>]

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The 'TimeTool Interval List' command is used to add, modify and delete Interval List components and templates.

For a component object the <ParentObject> is a truncated object path.

For a template the <ParentObject> is an STK class name, and the 'Interval ListTemplate' keyword must be entered.

The following table provides a description of {Action} values and the applicable parameters:

Create{IntervalListType} [<TypeParams>]<TypeParams> are optional, except where noted below. If no <TypeParams> are specified, default values are used.
Modify{IntervalListType} <TypeParams>The values <ComponentName> {IntervalListType} must define an existing Interval List component or template. The {IntervalListType} can not be modified. <TypeParams> are required.
DeleteN/ADelete the component or template identified by <ComponentName>

Any or all of the <TypeParams> for a {IntervalListType} can be specified on a command line, except where indicated.

The following table describes each Interval List type and its parameters.

  • Filename '<IntervalFile>'
  • Reload

'<IntervalFile>' is an STK interval file. For help on creating the STK interval file, see Create & Import External Files - Interval List in STK Help.

'<IntervalFile>' can be the path to a file on your local drive or the path to a file on an SDF server. See Specifying Paths for '<SDFFilePath>' syntax information.

The Reload keyword is valid on a Modify command only.

The Filename '<IntervalFile>' parameter is required on the Create command for the 'File' Interval List

  • OriginalIntervalList '<IntervalList>'
  • Filter {FirstIntervals | LastIntervals | Gaps | Intervals | SatisfactionIntervals | RelativeSatisfactionIntervals}
  • MaxNumber <Value>
  • {AtLeast | AtMost} <Value>
  • AdditionalCondition '<ConditionComponent>'
  • {RelativeAtLeast | RelativeAtMost} <Value>

The MaxNumber option is valid if Filter is FirstIntervals or LastIntervals. <Value> is an integer greater or equal to 1.

The {AtLeast | AtMost} options are valid if Filter is Gaps, Intervals or SatisfactionIntervals. <Value> is entered in Connect Time units.

The Condition option is valid if Filter is SatisfactionIntervals or RelativeSatisfactionIntervals. Microsoft 365 skype.

The {RelativeAtLeast | RelativeAtMost} options are valid if Filter is RelativeSatisfactionIntervals. <Value> is a percent between 0.0 and 100.0.

'Fixed Interval List'
  • AddInterval '<StartTime>' '<StopTime>'
  • DeleteInterval {'<StartTime>' '<StopTime>' | All}
  • ImportIntervals '<IntervalComponent>'
  • LoadIntervals '<Filename>'

Intervals will be added to the existing list, use DeleteInterval All to replace an interval list.

Add, Load, Import and Delete can be entered on the same command line, Delete will be done first, then Add, Load or Import

All times are entered in Connect time units.

'<IntervalComponent>' can be an Interval or Interval List type component.

'<Filename>' must be in the STK interval list file format and should end with a .int extension.

'<Filepath>' can be the path to a file on your local drive or the path to a file on an SDF server. See Specifying Paths for '<SDFFilePath>' syntax information.

Duplicate intervals will not be added. The command will nack if overlapping intervals are entered.

'Fixed Time Offset'
  • ReferenceIntervalList '<IntervalList>'
  • TimeOffset <Value>

<Value> is entered in Connect time units.

  • Operation {AND | OR | XOR | MINUS}
  • Intervals {Add | Replace} <Num> '<Intervals>'..
  • RemoveInterval <Num>

Enter Intervals Add to add the specified intervals to the list, and enter Intervals Replace to replace the component's interval list with the specified intervals. <Num> indicates the number of Intervals entered. Wineskin for mac os catalina.

The '<Intervals>'.. can be Interval components or Interval List components and should include the time component type, e.g. 'Satellite/Sat1 EphemerisTimeSpan Interval'

For the Remove option enter the index number of the component to be removed. The first component in the list has an index of 1. Use the TimeTool_R with the Details option to see the list of components. Free roam train simulator 2020.

If Operation is MINUS there must be only two components. For all other operations there must be at least two components in the list.

The IntervalsA and IntervalsB options have been deprecated in STK 11.1. If used they will replace the first and second components, respectively.

'Offset from Time Array'
  • ReferenceTimeArray '<TimeArray>'
  • OffsetBefore <Value>
  • OffsetAfter <Value>

<Value> is entered in Connect time units. OffsetBefore value is subtracted from each array time and OffsetAfter value is added to each array time to create the interval list.

Overlaps will be resolved in the resulting list of intervals, so there may be fewer intervals than there are values in the time array.

  • Condition '<ConditionComponent>'

Advanced options:

  • SaveOption {UseApplicationPrefs | SaveComputedData | None}
  • SetTimeLimits {UseApplicationPrefs | Local}
  • TimeLimits '<IntervalOrIntervalList>'
  • SamplingType {FixedStep | RelativeTolerance | CurvatureTolerance}

If SetTimeLimits is set to Local then the time interval or interval list specified by the TimeLimits parameter will be used. The '<IntervalOrIntervalList>' should include the time component type, e.g. 'Satellite/Sat1 EphemerisTimeSpan Interval'

Parameters for SamplingType FixedStep:

  • TimeStep <TimeStep>

Parameters for SamplingType RelativeTolerance:

  • MinimumTimeStep <MinStep>
  • MaximumTimeStep <MaxStep>
  • StepAtBoundaries <StepBound>
  • SamplingRelativeTolerance <RelTol>
  • SamplingAbsoluteTolerance <AbsTol>

Parameters for SamplingType CurvatureTolerance:

  • MinimumTimeStep <MinStep>
  • MaximumTimeStep <MaxStep>
  • StepAtBoundaries <StepBound>
  • SamplingRelativeTolerance <RelTol>
  • SamplingAbsoluteTolerance <AbsTol>
  • CurvatureTolerance <CurveTol>

<TimeStep>, <StepBound>, <MinStep> and <MaxStep> are entered in Connect time units and must be between 1e-13 and 99999999999.0.

<RelTol>, and <CurveTol> must be between 1e-13 and 1.0

<AbsTol> must be greater or equal to 1e-13

Parameters for Convergence:

  • ConvergeSense {Simple | FromAbove | FromBelow}
  • ConvergeAbsoluteTolerance <ConvergeAbsTol>
  • ConvergeRelativeTolerance <ConvergeRelTol>
  • TimeTolerance <TimeTol>

<TimeTol> is entered in Connect time units, and must be between 1e-13 and 99999999999.0.

<ConvergeAbsTol> must be greater or equal to 1e-13

<ConvergeRelTol> must be between 1e-13 and 1.0

The Satisfaction Interval List is not valid for Chain, CoverageDefinition, or Scenario objects.

  • OriginalIntervalList '<IntervalList>'
  • AbsoluteIncrement <Value>
  • RelativeIncrement <Value>

AbsoluteIncrement <Value> is entered in Connect time units. RelativeIncrement <Value> is a real number greater or equal to -100.0. AbsoluteIncrement and RelativeIncrement can not both be entered in the same command.

  • Original '<IntervalList>'
  • BaseClockLocation '<Point>'
  • TargetClockLocation '<Point>'
  • SignalSense {Transmit | Receive}
  • SignalTransmissionType {Light | Custom}
  • SpeedValue <Speed>
  • TimeDelayConvergence <Delay>
  • SignalPathRefSystem {UseAccessDefault | SSBarycenter | CBInertial | Custom}
  • CustomSystem '<RefSystem>'

<Speed> is entered in Connect Time units / seconds.

The SpeedValue parameter is valid if SignalTransmissionType is Custom.

<Delay> is entered in Connect time units.

The CustomSystem parameter is valid if SignalPathRefSystem is Custom.

The Signaled Interval List is not valid for Chain, CoverageDefinition, or Scenario objects.

For details on the format of a reference component (e.g. '<IntervalList>', '<ConditionComponent>', etc) see Component Specification.


To create and modify a Scaled Interval List:

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TimeTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create 'Interval List' SatList8 'Scaled'
TimeTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify 'Interval List' SatList8 'Scaled' OriginalIntervalList 'Satellite/ScenTestSat SatList2 Interval List' AbsoluteIncrement 28.5

To create and modify a Satisfaction Interval List:

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TimeTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create 'Interval List' SatList2 'Satisfaction' Condition 'Satellite/ScenTestSat BeforeStop Condition'
TimeTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify 'Interval List' SatList2 'Satisfaction' SaveOption UseApplicationPrefs SetTimeLimits UseApplicationPrefs

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TimeTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify 'Interval List' SatList2 'Satisfaction' MinimumTimeStep 45.0 SamplingType RelativeTolerance MaximumTimeStep 1845.67 StepAtBoundaries 45.0

To create and add two intervals to a Fixed Interval List:

TimeTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create 'Interval List' SatInt32 'Fixed Interval List'
TimeTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify 'Interval List' SatInt32 'Fixed Interval List' AddInterval '28 Feb 2011 17:10:00.000' '28 Feb 2011 17:30:00.000' AddInterval '28 Feb 2011 17:50:00.000' '28 Feb 2011 18:10:00.000'

To create a Merged interval list component with three components:

Timetool.exe For Primos

TimeTool * Satellite/Satellite1 Create 'Interval List' TimesMerge 'Merged' Operation OR Intervals Add 3 'Satellite/Satellite1 PassIntervals.First Interval' 'Satellite/Satellite2 PassIntervals.First Interval' 'Satellite/Satellite2 PassIntervals.Last Interval'

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Timetools Gps Clock Software


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