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Tor Browser is a webbrowser based on Mozilla Firefox but configuredto protect your privacy.

Sending your connections to websites through the Tor network is notenough to totally protect you while browsing the web:

  • Cookies can be used to track and identify you across differentwebsites.
  • Security vulnerabilities in JavaScript have been used to deanonymize Tor Browser in thepast.
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  1. Firefox and Thunderbird return to Debian with the release of Stretch, and replace their debranded versions Iceweasel and Icedove, which were present in the archive for more than 10 years. Thanks to the Reproducible Builds project, over 90% of the source packages included in Debian 9 will build bit-for-bit identical binary packages.
  2. Iceweasel is a derivative of Mozilla’s Firefox, to install enter the following command. Sudo apt-get install iceweasel Type y and hit enter to complete download and install. Once complete Iceweasel should pop up in the menu under internet, open it so we can start configuring.

Cool Encrypter/Decrypter is a text encrypter that is used to send free encrypted messages to your friends. It encrypts the message right before your eyes with a cool display like in spy movies. From Debian Etch through Debian Jessie (9th June 2016), Mozilla Firefox was not available in Debian with the official name or branding. Instead, Debian shipped a free-software version rebranded by Debian, named Iceweasel.

This is why Tor Browser integrates all kinds of security protectionsinside the browser as well.

Some frequently asked questions about Tor Browser can be found inthe FAQ.

Tor Browser in Tails is confined withAppArmor to protect the system and your data from sometypes of attacks against Tor Browser.As a consequence, Tor Browser in Tails canonly read and write to a limited number of folders.

This is why, for example, you might face Permissiondenied errors if you try to download files to theHome folder.

  • You can save files from TorBrowser to the Tor Browser folderthat is located in the Home folder.The content of this folder will disappear once you shut down Tails.

  • If you want to upload files with TorBrowser, copy them to that folder first.

  • If you turned on the Personal Datafeature of the Persistent Storage, you can also use thePersistent/Tor Browser folderto download and upload files from Tor Browser. Thecontent of the Persistent/Tor Browser folder is saved across differentworking sessions.

To prevent Tails from running out of memory and crashing, downloadvery big files to the Persistent/Tor Browser folder.All the files that you download outside of the Persistent Storage arestored in memory (RAM), which is more limited.

Using HTTPS instead of HTTP encrypts your communications while browsing the web.

All the data exchanged between your browser and the server you are visiting isencrypted. HTTPS prevents theTor exit node from eavesdropping on your communications.

HTTPS also includes mechanisms to authenticate the server you are communicatingwith. But, those mechanisms can be flawed,as explained on our warning page.

For example, here is how the browser looks when we try to log in to an emailaccount at, using their webmailinterface:

Notice the padlock icon on the left of the address bar saying ''.Notice also the address beginning with 'https://' (instead of 'http://'). These are theindicators that an encrypted connection using HTTPS is beingused.

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Iceweasel Browser

When you are sending or retrieving sensitive information (like passwords), youshould try to only use services providing HTTPS. Otherwise, it is very easyfor an eavesdropper to steal whatever information you are sending, or tomodify the content of a page on its way to your browser.

HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox extensionincluded in Tor Browser. It is produced as a collaboration between The TorProject and the Electronic FrontierFoundation. It encrypts your communications with a number ofmajor websites. Many sites on the web offer some limited support for encryptionover HTTPS, but make it difficult to use. For example, they might default tounencrypted HTTP, or fill encrypted pages with links that go back to theunencrypted site. The HTTPS Everywhere extension fixes these problems byrewriting all requests to these sites to HTTPS.

To learn more about HTTPS Everywhere, you can see:

  • the HTTPS Everywhere homepage
  • the HTTPS Everywhere FAQ

Having all JavaScript disabled by default would disable a lot of harmless andpossibly useful JavaScript, and might render many websites unusable.

That is why JavaScript is enabled by default butTor Browser disables all potentiallydangerous JavaScript. We consider this as a necessary compromise betweensecurity and usability.

To understand better the behavior of TorBrowser, for example, regarding JavaScript and cookies, you canrefer to the Tor Browser design document.

You can change the security level of Tor Browserto disable browser features as a trade-off between security and usability.For example, you can set the security level to Safest to disable JavaScript completely.

The security level is set to Standard by default which givesthe most usable experience.

To change the security level, click on the icon on the right of the address barand chooseAdvanced Security Settings….

You can safely disregard the message, 'Your browser is being managed byyour organization,' which appears in theTor Browser preferences.

All this message means is that the automatic updates feature ofTor Browser has been disabled. This is doneintentionally in Tails to make sure that no security feature or configurationgets broken by automatic updates ofTor Browser.

Click on thepadlockin the address bar to show the Tor circuit that is used to connect tothe website in the current tab, its 3 relays, their countries, and IPaddresses.

The last relay in the circuit, the one immediately above thedestination website, is the exit relay. Itscountry might influence how the website behaves.

Click on theNew Circuit for this Site buttonto use a different circuit. Screen record on mac with internal audio.

You can useOnion Circuitsto get more detailed information about the circuits being used.

To switch to a new identity, chooseNew Identity.

The New Identity feature ofTor Browser:

  • Closes all open tabs.
  • Clears the session state including cache, history, and cookies.
  • Closes all existing web connections and creates new Tor circuits.
  • Erases the content of the clipboard.

This feature is not enough to strongly separate contextual identitiesin the context of Tails, as the connections outside ofTor Browser are not restarted.

Restart Tails instead.

For more details, see the design and implementation of the Tor Browser.

Tor Browser includes theNoScript extension to:

  • Protect from more JavaScript attacks. For example, cross-sitescripting (XSS) attacks.
  • Allow you to disable JavaScript completely on some websites only.

For more information, you can refer to the NoScriptwebsite and features.

The letterboxing feature of Tor Browser helpsto prevent websites from identifying your browser based on the size of its window.Without letterboxing, websites could usethe size of the browser window to track visitors or weaken your anonymity.

Iceweasel Mac

The letterboxing feature of Tor Browser worksby adding gray margins to the browser window when the window is resized. Thewebpage remains as close as possible to the desired size without revealing theactual size of the window.

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