BirthdaysPro - birthday list, contact list and notifications, also for XING, VK and Odnoklassniki.BirthdaysPro is the best way to be informed about. With BirthdaysPro you are always informed about the upcoming birthdays (and anniversaries) of all your contacts.
Version: 1.2.1
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Birthday Prop
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Birthday Sports Meme
Ranking - Social Networking (iPhone)
Ranking - Social Networking (iPad)
Screenshot #1 (iPhone)
The ICSolutions mobile app provides an easy and convenient way to visit with your incarcerated family member and loved one. With this free mobile app, you can visit from home or anywhere where you have WiFi or cellular data service. Staying connected to your loved one allows you to share special moments and maintain those strong family bonds between children and their parents.
- – ICS Mobile is a poorly rated app (1.5-star).
- + The app is free.
- + ICS Mobile is currently ranked #279 in free Social Networking apps for iPhone.