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Size 00000 Paint Brush
Paint Brush - #00000 Art 81-605 Units: 1 Very fine detail brush. (The more '0's, the finer the brush) $ 4.75. Also known as radiator brushes, these brushes have a long, thin handle with an angled head to reach behind and around objects. Their synthetic bristles won’t absorb water, so they keep their shape when used with latex paint and other water-based paint and coatings. Bristles are soft to leave fewer brush marks for a smooth finish. They’re often used with high-gloss paint and coatings. The Original Mack Sword Striping Size 0000 Series 10 Blue Squirrel Hair Brush. 5 out of 5 stars. (2) Total Ratings 2, $12.96 New. Xdt#729 Miniature Micro Fine Detail Liner Artist Paint Brush 6pc Art Nail Model. 4.9 out of 5 stars. These brushes have natural bristles, which are better for oil- and solvent-based paint and coatings than synthetic bristles. Also known as chip brushes, these brushes are often used to brush away loose paint, rust, and metal. They are meant for one-time use with paint, coatings, adhesives, and paint removers. The thicker the bristles, the more paint they hold and the smoother finish they’ll. XDT Flat Tip Nail Artist Paint Brush #00000 Set 10 Pc Fine Micro Detail. C $21.77; Buy It Now +C $19.39 shipping; From United States; SPONSORED. XDT Angular Tip Nail Art Paint Brush 5 Pc Set #00000 Fine Micro Detail. C $9.52; Buy It Now +C $18.04 shipping; From United States; SPONSORED.